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Grade Five

Explore fun educational activities for youth that you can try with students and learners at Riverside's Knowledge Path, in your community, or at home!

Looking for more activities? Browse some of the other age groups and modify activities to best fit the educational level of your learners.


Web of Life


Become a member of an ecological community and find out how you fit into the web of life in this role-playing educational activity.


Leaf Rubbing

Arts & Science

Combine the arts and sciences in this creative activity to learn more about different species of trees.


Literless Lunch

Environment & Sustainability

Aim for a litterless lunch and reduce the waste produced by your school in a friendly competition!

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Adopt A Tree


Dive into the world of dendrology! Observe a tree in your community and document how it changes over time


Nature Inventions

Science & Sustainability

Gather inspiration from the environment and become a nature inventor! Design and build your invention with sustainability and environmental stewardship in mind.

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Captivating Compass Work

Science & Math

Learn how to use a compass so you can navigate your way through Riverside's Knowledge Path!


Earth Moss Ball


Create your own living earth using mosses and other natural objects.

This activity has a PowerPoint and educational video to accompany it.


Estimating Measurements


How long is Riverside's Knowledge Path? Head outside and put these measuring techniques to practice!


Flexing your mental health muscle


Use poetry and your love for nature to guide you through a lesson that focuses on mental health and self-reflection.


Be Still in nature


Be guided through nature by Mi'kmaw poet Shalan Joudry as you practice stillness in nature.


Mapping Soundscapes


Explore the sounds of nature and map them out to learn more about your surroundings.


Lichen of Riverside's Knowledge Path


Let's learn about lichen! In this activity, learn how to identify and classify lichen found at the Knowledge Path based on their physical characteristics.

This activity has a PowerPoint, resource sheet for educators, and student worksheet to accompany it.

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